Friday, March 13, 2015

What's in store for Hillary

            The article "The First Female President" written by Tina Dupuy on the Blog The Smirking Chimp brings light to some of the approaches the media will take if Hillary Clinton is elected as the first female President. This week Hillary Clinton devoted part of her speech at the U.N. to the progress women have made in the world in the past 20 years. But most people did not get to hear it or even realize she made a speech at the U.N. The media has been in too much of a frenzy with the Clinton email scandal, which can be debated somewhere else. The point Dupuy is making in this article is in line with something Clinton also mentions in her speech, that as women we have come far but “we’re not there yet.”
Similar to the challenges Obama has had to deal with, Dupuy thinks that Hillary “will have to deal with weird and blindingly stupid things no white male president has ever had to deal with.” She is preparing us for what may come with the territory for our first female President, warning that “And we, as Americans, who always admire and romanticize pioneers, will have plenty to cringe over.” She then goes on to list a huge amount of inappropriate derogatory terms that she thinks could possibly be used by the media directed toward Clinton.

           Dupuy has aimed this article toward Democratic sympathizers, woman, feminists, or anyone who is tired of the media trashing people and harping on unimportant details. As a journalist and also a stand-up comedian she uses a sarcastic tone to shine light on some of the inappropriate language that the media might use toward Clinton. It’s shocking and sad but we have all read some media publication using some of the exact terms she brings up. By shining light on this sort of negative approach it will be more obvious when the media does start attacking her for these petty things and maybe the public will learn to turn a blind eye to this unprogressive media, making it go away faster.

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